Energy Cost

*Usage based on 150kw hours per month Some unflued gas heaters
require gas and electricity to operate and these findings exclude that
electricity component.
In winter a heat pump air
conditioner can give you up to 5 units of heat for every unit of electricity energy you
use. See how different forms of heating compare in terms of cost. |
The The exact performance will
depend on the climate conditions where you live. But you can see for yourself that a heat
pump is clearly superior to any other kind of heating you can out in your home. |
As with all forms of heating,
insulation can make a big difference to the size of unit you need and how efficient it
will heat your home. |
For best results contact THE
AIR CONDITIONING CO for the size you need. A guide to selection anywhere in NZ is on the
last page of this section. If in doubt please contact us
for help. |