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Super Daiseikai V Inverter Wall Mounted






Forget everything you know about heat pumps. The Super Daiseikai V is the most sophisticated machine of its kind, designed to meet the changing needs of you and your family. Thanks to its twin rotary compressor, the unit operates at very low speeds, achieving the highest energy efficiency rating of 5.68 in heating mode (2.5kW model) at its rated capacity.

Best in Class

In the same way that certain vehicles can turn off part of their engine when cruising, the dual stage compressor allows the Super Daiseikai V to switch between one and two cylinders, depending on your room requirements. This saves an incredible amount of energy while the unit is running below its rated capacity, a COP of over 7 while in this part load mode.

The widest flow possible

You’re always in control. 14 louvre positions, horizontal and side, allow you to direct the air flow more than 12 metres with pinpoint accuracy. Alternatively, use the swing feature to distribute air evenly throughout the room. With the use of your remote, you can keep your home cosy all year round with this Comfort Wide Flow feature.  

Clear the air

Super Daiseikai V offers exceptional air treatment and filtration, providing a pure and healthy environment. The smallest particles and odours are captured by the air purifier. This complete system catches dust and pet hair, removes odours (tobacco, rubbish, exhaust gases) and eliminates bacteria, pollen, mould spores and viruses. The air ioniser provides a fresh feeling similar to walking through a forest or next to a waterfall. The superior triple filtration system both cleans and deodorises. When you turn off your heat pump, an internal fan automatically activates to dry out the coil. This “Self-cleaning with Low Density Ozone” feature prevents mould formation and has an antiseptic effect.



COP (Coefficient of Performance) or Efficiency is the ratio of energy input to energy output. ie. a system with a COP / EER of 3.5 would produce 3.5kW of heat on the heating cycle for each 1.0kW of electrical energy input and remove 3.5kW of heat on the cooling cycle.


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