Super Daiseikai Inverter Wall Mounted

for the better
Outstanding energy savings Its 6 star energy
rating on heating and cooling and its 5.1 EER (size 10) make the Super
Daiseikai a supreme champion in energy saving: 35% more than a
standard 6 star inverter. In addition, thanks to its twin rotary
compressor, it can operate at very low speeds (minimum cooling
capacity is 0.5 kW), consuming only 100 Watts. This system combines
savings and efficiency, providing extraordinary performance. In fact,
it can operate at any outside temperature: down to –15 °C in heating
mode and to –10 °C in cooling mode.
Excellent indoor air quality
Super Daiseikai offers exceptional air treatment and
filtration, providing a pure and healthy environment. Its efficient
Ag+ Plasma Air Purifier deodorises indoor air and doesn’t require
washing as it’s constantly selfregenerating. The new ’Self-cleaning
with Low Density Ozone’ feature not only dries the coil to prevent
mould formation, it also has an antiseptic effect.
This extraordinary complete system provides a lot of
important benefits: it catches dust and pet air, removes odours
(tobacco, rubbish, exhaust gases…), eliminates bacteria, pollen, mould
spores and viruses. This means that Super Daiseikai ensures a really
healthy environment!
No compromise, just comfort
The new infra-red remote control has
been designed to meet the most demanding expectations. Extensive
market research has highlighted the preferred settings of users and
these have already been stored in the unit’s memory. Toshiba offers
the most complete range of functions to help users reach a state of
complete comfort:
5 fan speeds
and Auto can be selected.
12 motorised louver settings
can be chosen for very precise air direction control.
One touch personal comfort:
the user can save their preferred settings on the remote. |

(Coefficient of Performance) or Efficiency
is the ratio of energy input to energy output. ie. a system with a COP
/ EER of 3.5 would produce 3.5kW of heat on the heating cycle for each
1.0kW of electrical energy input and remove 3.5kW of heat on the
cooling cycle. |
Download a copy of the full
product brochure